Emerald is the perfect emblem of an everlasting love.
Emerald Color: Emeralds occur in a variety of green colors. The magnificent green color that gives extraordinary value to this gem is due to small amounts of chromium and vanadium. Some emeralds have yellowish to bluish overtones.
The stone loses color when strongly heated.Description:Emerald is grass-green variety of beryl that is highly valued as a gemstone. The physical properties of emerald are essentially the same as those of beryl.
Emeralds and are cut in a variety of different shapes, ranging from the traditional rectangular step-cut, known as the "emerald cut," to rounds, ovals, squares and cabochons.
Because of emerald's high value, attempts were long made to manufacture it synthetically. These efforts finally met with success in the mid of thirties in Germany. Nowdays synthetic emeralds are manufactured in the United States. Aquamarine crystals are placed in a water solution and used as a seed to produce emeralds. The crystals thus grown appear very similar to natural crystals and rival them in color and beauty.
Emerald The name's origin: The name emerald comes indirectly from the Greek smaragdos, a name that seems to have been given to a number of
Birthstone: Emerald is the birthstone of Taurus (Bull): April 20 - May 20.
Wedding anniversary: Emerald is the anniversary gemstone for the 20th, 35th and 55th year of marriage.

Emerald Varieties: Uralian emerald is in fact yellowish green or emerald-green andradite (variety of garnet).
Care and treatment: Clean your emerald with a soft, dry cloth. Oil is used during the stone treatment, therfore you should never clean an emerald with an ultrasonic cleaner because this oil could be removed or damaged. In addition, do not clean emerald in hot soapy water since it too can remove this oil.
Avoid sudden temperature changes as emeralds lose their color when strongly heated.
Emerald From the stone history: The ancients appear to have obtained emeralds from Upper Egypt, where it is said to have been worked as early as 2000 BC, during the life of Pharaoh Sesostris III.
Greek miners were working the mines in the time of Alexander the Great, and later the mines yielded their gems to Cleopatra. Cleopatra was an avid emerald collector. Remains of "Cleopatra's Mines" were discovered about 1817, they are situated on the Red Sea coast.
South America's rich bounty of emeralds was discovered by 16th Century Spanish explorers, who found large emeralds in the possession of the Aztecs and Incas.

The Moguls of India, including Shah Jahan, the builder of the Taj Mahal, loved emeralds so much they inscribed them with sacred text and wore them as talismans. Some of these sacred stones, called Mogul emeralds, can still be seen in museums and collections today.
For example, one talismanic emerald is deep green and weighs 78 carats. Around the edge in Persian runs the inscription: "He who possesses this charm shall enjoy the special protection of G-d."
Shopping guide: Emeralds have long been cherished for their brilliant green beauty. Highly valued and desired, the brilliant green color of emerald has never ceased to dazzle. For centuries only those of great wealth could venture upon so priceless a gift, the symbol of faith, kindness and purity. A fine quality emerald of good color and clarity is more valuable than diamonds.
There are a lot of unknowns about emeralds that may confuse you, as a consumer. Consult a professional, independent retail jeweler to insure you are getting the real thing.
Emerald Healing ability: Though not meant to replace traditional medical treatment, emerald is extensively used for physical and emotional healing.
Emerald has refreshing soft green color, which has amazing healing powers for eyes, and it is a good talisman for any eye trouble.

If worn about the neck or finger, emerald prevents convulsions in children. Emeralds are also an antidote for poisons and poisonous wounds. It aids with ailments of the spine. Emeralds help fighting all mental illness and neurological disorders.
Emerald Mystical power: Many virtues are ascribed to emerald. It is said to drive away evil spirits, and to preserve the chastity of the wearer. Emerald is said to bring wisdom. Believed by the ancients to empower the owner with foresight into the future, an emerald is regarded as an amulet for good fortune.
The emerald gives faith, success in love, and discovery of false friends. It changes color in the presence of false friends or false witnesses. It promotes constancy of mind, true friendship, and felicity in domestic life. As a love token, it registers the degree of love. If pale, love is waning. An emerald symbolizes rebirth and youth.
According to legends, emeralds strengthen the owner's memory, quicken the intelligence and assist in predicting the future.
When worn, the stone is supposed to prevent epilepsy attack, and when held in the mouth it is believed to be a cure for dysentery. It is supposed to assist women at childbirth.